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These General Terms and Conditions of Services (hereinafter – the Terms and Conditions) establish the procedure and conditions for the provision of services of the apartments owned or administered by Biopower Engineering, LLC and indicated on the website




  • The apartments presented on the website of Biopower Engineering, LLC are a recreation place where accommodation services are provided.
  • These internal rules of procedure (hereinafter – the rules) establish the duties and rights of Biopower Engineering, LLC guests using the services of Biopower Engineering, LLC and the procedure of guest service.
  • These rules are binding on all apartment guests.
  • Each guest must comply with the requirements set out in these rules.
  • By ordering and registering in Biopower Engineering, LLC apartments, each guest confirms that he / she is acquainted with these rules himself / herself and acquainted them with the accompanying persons, and undertakes to comply with them unconditionally and to ensure that the accompanying persons comply with them.
  • The person registered in the apartments of Biopower Engineering, LLC is responsible for the consequences arising from the fact that he did not know or did not follow these rules.
  • Services are not provided for persons who do not agree to comply with the apartment rules of Biopower Engineering, LLC.
  • To ensure security, the common use premises and spaces of Biopower Engineering, LLC apartments are monitored by video cameras.
  • The guest of Biopower Engineering, LLC apartments must compensate the damage caused to the property of the apartment owner and third parties in accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.




  • The initial reservation (request) for short-term accommodation services can be made using the reservation system, by telephone, e-mail or other sales channels (,,, and other channels).
  • When booking short-term accommodation services by e-mail or telephone, the individual guest must indicate the number of arriving guests, the desired room category (type), arrival and departure dates, method of payment for the services provided and other preferences.
  • Biopower Engineering, LLC, having received the reservation of the provided services, provides the guest with detailed information (advance payment invoice) by e-mail about the apartments to be reserved, indicating the required advance invoice for the reserved services.
  • Biopower Engineering, LLC, having received the reservation of services, through other sales channels, rents apartments in accordance with the rules established by those sales channels.
  • Upon receipt of the guest’s advance payment for the reserved apartments, Biopower Engineering, LLC confirms the reservation of the provided services by e-mail. A reservation that is paid for is considered guaranteed. In exceptional cases, determined by Biopower Engineering, LLC, partially unpaid reservations are considered guaranteed.
  • Reservation of services provided by Biopower Engineering, LLC can be guaranteed by credit card, prepayment or agreement with Biopower Engineering, LLC.
  • An unguaranteed reservation is a reservation of services provided by Biopower Engineering, LLC that has not been paid for.
  • Non-guaranteed reservation is a reservation of services provided by Biopower Engineering, LLC, for which no confirmation number has been assigned. Unsecured reservations of services provided by Biopower Engineering, LLC from the moment when the guest submits the reservation of services provided by Biopower Engineering, LLCi in the manner provided for in these Terms and Conditions until the deadline specified in the prepayment invoice provided to the guest for payment of the reservation fee 14.00 hrs. After the expiration of this term, Biopower Engineering, LLC has the right to cancel / cancels the guest’s non-guaranteed reservation.
  • The agreement on the services provided by Biopower Engineering, LLC is considered concluded when the guest pays the reservation fee specified by Biopower Engineering, LLC for the reserved services provided by Biopower Engineering, LLC confirms the reservation by giving it a confirmation number;
  • An oral agreement between the parties becomes effective only if it is confirmed in writing.




  • During the low season (September – May), if the reservation is canceled at least 30 days before the scheduled arrival, the cancellation is free of charge. Biopower Engineering, LLC must refund the full amount of the advance paid within 14 days. If the reservation is canceled less than 30 days before the scheduled arrival, the advance will remain with Biopower Engineering, LLC. If the reservation is canceled, the full amount of the advance paid will be lost in this case.
  • During the high season(June – August), if the reservation is canceled up to 14 days before date of arrival, no fee will be charged. Biopower Engineering, LLC must refund the full amount of the advance paid within 14 days. If the reservation is canceled less than 14 days before the scheduled arrival, the advance will remain with Biopower Engineering, LLC. If the reservation is canceled, the full amount of the advance paid will be lost in this case.
  • The work of the administration:
    • The administration of Biopower Engineering, LLC has the right to make a decision to accommodate or transfer the guest (s) of Biopower Engineering, LLC to other apartments (under the same or better conditions).
    • The administration has the right to unilaterally make a decision to evict the guest (s) of Biopower Engineering, LLC apartments without prior notice if there is a threat to other residents;
    • The procedure of storage of guest items in Biopower Engineering, LLC apartments is regulated by Article 6.865 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.
    • The administration, upon finding the left items, shall, if possible, return them to the owners immediately. If the owner is not found, the forgotten items are realized according to the established procedure after 3 months.
    • Biopower Engineering, LLC is not responsible for unsafe left or lost values and / or damage caused to them in the room or common areas;
    • The administration has the right to enter the guests’ living rooms to ensure security. Call an ambulance if necessary;
    • Biopower Engineering, LLC administration is forbidden to provide any information about guests to third parties without the guest’s consent;
    • When a Biopower Engineering, LLC guest requests a backup key, administrator must identify him/her;
    • It is forbidden to leave young children unattended in the apartments and common areas of Biopower Engineering, LLC.
  • Force majeure: The liability of the parties for non-performance of the contract for the services provided by Biopower Engineering, LLC in case of force majeure is regulated by Article 6.212 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • Arrival and departure times:
    • Biopower Engineering, LLC guests can arrive at Biopower Engineering, LLC apartments on the day of arrival specified in the reservation from 15.00;
    • The guest who registers in the apartment receives the room key (s), which he / she returns when checking out of the apartments of Biopower Engineering, LLC. In case of loss or damage to the room key, a fine of 50 euros is applied;
    • Guests of Biopower Engineering, LLC must check out of Biopower Engineering, LLC apartments on the day of departure by 12.00;
    • If the guest wishes to leave later than 12.00, he must inform the administration of Biopower Engineering, LLC;
    • If the guest leaves the apartments of Biopower Engineering, LLC no later than 18.00, the guest must pay 50% of the total contractual price of accommodation services for one day; if the guest leaves the Hotel after 18:00. – 100% of the total contractual price of accommodation services for one day;
    • If the Guest does not vacate the room and does not have the opportunity to contact him before the agreed departure time, or when the Guest does not maliciously pay for the provided services and does not vacate the room at the request of the administration – the administration reserves the right to move items in the room to other protected premises;
    • If a contract “Apartment rental service provision agreement” or other individual agreement has been concluded with Biopower Engineering, LLC, the procedure and conditions of arrival and departure of guests discussed in that agreement or agreement shall apply;
    • Biopower Engineering, LLC apartments can accommodate as many persons as indicated to the administration of Biopower Engineering, LLC at the time of arrival. If more guests stay in the apartment than indicated in the booking confirmation of Biopower Engineering, LLC apartments, an additional fee is paid for each additional guest of Biopower Engineering, LLC;
    • Unauthorized persons can be brought to Biopower Engineering, LLC apartments only after notifying the administration of Biopower Engineering, LLC;
    • Biopower Engineering, LLC reserves the right not to allow unwanted persons in accordance with the internal rules of the holiday home.




Ūlyčios g. 11, Stultiškių k., LT-38295 Panevėžio r.

+370 610 44856